Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Speech for My Final Test

The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life

Good Morning Everyone
Firstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting  always deliver  on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.
On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.
Mrs testers who I respect and friends that I love, the Internet is not foreign to our lives, especially the lives of adolescents. In our lives, the Internet serves as a source of information. The existence of the internet in a teenager’s life can serve as a medium of learning which is very helpful for teens to learn to achieve satisfactory academic achievement. Not only students and young people, parents and the general public can also enjoy the benefits of the Internet, such as entertainment media, media with fast data exchange, means of communication, expand horizons, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a good impact for us. The impact was not good was actually already joined in our lives.
The negative impact, for example, pornography, violence, addiction to online games, and social networking addiction, which is very influential in the lives of adolescents, especially students. The number of sites that are pornographic and violent are free to enter adolescence, teens can plunge into things that are not good. In addition, online gaming addiction and social networks such as Facebook, Friendster, and Twitter often make teenagers and students will forget time, forget the health, neglect lessons, to be wasteful, wasting both time or money. Actually, the positive and negative impacts of the Internet in the hands of its users. If we use the internet as well as possible, God willing, we will get a good benefit.
Let us use the internet as well as possible, according to our needs. Do not let the Internet entered into our lives, especially the lives of teenagers and students. So that I can say, may be useful for us, especially the youth and students to use the internet as well as possible. If the error in the delivery of facts before, I apologize. Thank You.

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